Organic applicant traffic is fantastic. I mean, who doesn't love free stuff, right? That's why we give you the option to syndicate your open job postings to our network of free job boards. If you find that you want to increase the number of applicants you are getting, or if you want to put your recruiting process into hyperdrive and get applicants faster, posting your job to paid online job boards is a quick and easy solution.
Note: you must have permission to post to job boards (automatic for Account Owners and Admins Users) in order to buy advertising for your job postings. Need an access level upgrade? Ask your company's Account Owner or another Admin-level user to help you out.
Post Your Job to Online Job Boards in a Few Easy Steps
1. Click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner of the job's card that you want to advertise from your dashboard and select Post to Job Boards from the list.
2. Check the box next to the job board(s) on which you want to advertise your job. As you select job boards, you will see them appear in the shopping cart window at the top right side of the page. Once you have selected all the boards you wish to post to, select the Proceed to Checkout button.
3. Each job board you have selected may have its own additional information requirements for you to complete. For example, LinkedIn requires a posting city, zip code, job type, and experience level.
Once you have completed the needed requirement for the highlighted job board you will select the Next Option button to proceed to the next job board. Note: You must enter all fields before you can proceed to the next job board.
Here is another example showing the additional information requirements for Craigslist:
When you have completed all of the information requirements for the job boards selected, click on the Review Final Summary button at the bottom of the page. This will bring you to your checkout page. Note: you will not be charged until you click on the Purchase Postings button.
After you have reviewed your job board advertisement purchases and reviewed for accuracy, click on the Purchase Postings button on the bottom of the page to complete the process. The credit card on file will be charged for the total amount displayed in the Final Summary.
It's that easy.