Our Form Builder tool helps you further customize your application form and save you and your hiring team valuable time by adding prescreening options to your hiring workflow.  

Form Builder enables you to add custom screening questions to your application forms, such as:

  • Short Text
  • Essay 
  • Multiple Choice 
  • Select One 
  • Yes/No
  • Date
  • Employment History
  • Sub-Header 
  • Education History

You will be able to designate any question as "required" by applicants when submitting an application, take advantage of knockout questions that automatically archive applicants based on their responses, and even apply auto tags to an applicant's profile based on a question response.

Here's how to get started using this feature:

1. You can either use Form Builder on an existing job by clicking on the dropdown menu next to the job posting title from your dashboard and selecting Edit Job, or you can use it with a new job posting by clicking on the Create a new job button at the top of your dashboard.

2. Fill in the required job fields as usual. In the Form Builder section toward the bottom of the page, click the Start Customizing Form button to begin adding your questions.

3. On the Form Builder page, select the type of question you want to include. Then, type in your question in the box provided. If you have selected either the "multiple choice" or "select one" question type, make sure to also enter the applicant response options in the "Options" section below the question box.

4. Select your Required, Auto Archive, and/or Auto Tagging settings. The default setting on all question types is to make the question a required field on your application form. If you want to disable the "required" status, just uncheck the "Make question required for applicants?" box at the right side of the question section. 

If you want to automatically archive an applicant based on the applicant's response to a question, check the "Archive if applicant chooses" box and select which option(s) should automatically archive an applicant.

For Yes/No, Multiple Choice and Select One type questions, you can auto-apply a tag to an applicant's profile based on a response. First, check the box next to "Enable auto tagging if applicant chooses:", and select the answer you want to auto tag on. Then enter new, or select existing, tags in the "add these tags:" field provided. You can also select "any item (tag with selection)" and any applicant can be tagged with the text of the selected option.

NEW: You can now add a clickable link to your Form Builder questions. The link will display as a full URL, so if it is a particularly long link, you may want to use a service like TinyURL or Bitly to make it a more manageable size. 

5. Click the Save Changes button to save your question.


6. To add additional questions, click on the Add Question button. Click Finished when you are done adding/editing your questions. 

NOTE: Clicking on the "Back to Job" button takes you back to your job edit page without saving any new changes since the last change you saved. If you want to remove all screening questions, just click on the Remove All button and then click on Finished to save your changes and take you back to your job edit page.

Copying Questions from Another Job Posting

You also have the ability to copy existing questions from previous job listing to add automatically to new listings if you have a number of uniform questions for all listings.  To add existing questions, click on Copy questions from, and then select the job listing that you would like to copy questions from.


The questions will then show up in your list of questions.  You can Edit, Remove, or Reorder these questions just like you can with new questions.


What Happens Next

Now, when applicants apply for your position, your Form Builder questions will be part of your Application Form

You can view applicant responses to your Form Builder questions by clicking on the Questions tab within the Application Viewer:

If you add Form Builder questions to existing job listings, only new applicants will be able to see your new Form Builder questions on their application form. 

PRO TIP: Crafting effective application questions can be a game-changer for identifying top candidates. Modern AI tools can help by generating tailored questions based on your job description. Simply input the role details into an AI platform to create questions designed to assess key qualifications.

Focus on crafting questions that allow you to easily determine if applicants are a good fit for the role. Use Form Builder features like tagging to organize responses or set up knockout questions to automatically screen for must-have qualifications.

As always, thoroughly review and customize AI-generated questions to ensure they align with your hiring objectives, utilize Form Builder’s features effectively, and comply with applicable labor laws.