Many companies find that their number one source of candidates is their website, so it’s important to connect it with your account. We've made it easy! All you have to do is link to your unique URL from your website and then customize your account with your logo, company description, and preferred color scheme.
For developers, we've also provided you with two easy-to-use integration options: a Jobs Widget and an API. The Jobs Widget allows you to embed your jobs quickly on any website by copying and pasting the code we provide. Using the Widget means that when you add, remove or update jobs in your account, they'll automatically be updated on your website. The API allows you to pull a list of jobs that you can display on any web page.
To access the API, just follow these step-by-step instructions:
1. From your applicant tracking system (ATS) dashboard, go to the Menu Icon on the upper right of your screen and select Account Details from the Main Menu.

2. Scroll down to the Integrate section and click on the API button and follow the instructions provided.